ELA Crash Course

Step 1: Watch this video

Regents Review - Common Core ELA.mp4

Step 2: Review this Guide

English Regents Handbook 2020 Final.pdf

This guide is designed to to help you navigate the tools available at YABC for the New York State Regents Exams. Through meetings with guidance counselors and subject area tutors, as well as on-line content, interactive website activities and targeted exam questions, you will be able to focus your studies for the Regents in the specific areas that you need.

In the following pages you will see counselor & tutor schedules, exam descriptions and websites with Regents help, in addition to tips and tricks developed by the staff at YABC.

Step 3: Review the Flashcards

Need a refresher on literary devices for the English Regents? Check out this tool below from Quizlet. Here you will find flashcards, quizzes, and much more:

Quizlet tool is easy to use. But you may want to visit this page to have a quick tutorial on how to use these flashcards.